- mvoutlier::XData (X coordinate) of illustrative example in paper (see below)
- mvoutlier::YData (Y coordinate) of illustrative example in paper (see below)
- mvoutlier::bhorizonB-horizon of the Kola Data
- mvoutlier::bss.backgroundBackground map for the BSS project
- mvoutlier::bssbotBottom Layer of the BSS Data
- mvoutlier::bsstopTop Layer of the BSS Data
- mvoutlier::chorizonC-horizon of the Kola Data
- mvoutlier::datData of illustrative example in paper (see below)
- mvoutlier::humusHumus Layer (O-horizon) of the Kola Data
- mvoutlier::kola.backgroundBackground map for the Kola project
- mvoutlier::mossMoss Layer of the Kola Data